TTCAN 是基于CAN 的时间触发的高层协议,具有确定性行为,因而适用于安全相关的场合。本文首先从参照时间、基本周期、系统信息阵、网络时间单元和全局时间五个方面对TTCAN 协议进行分析,其后讲解了基于MCP2515 的一个TTCAN 协议Level1 节点的实现方案。 关键词:安全相关的;时间触发;TTCAN 协议 Abstract: TTCAN is a time triggered protocol based on CAN. It exhibits a fully deterministic behavior and is suitable for the safety critical system. The paper firstly introduces TTCAN protocol from time reference, basic cycle, system matrix, network time unit and global system time five parts. Followed that, an implementation of TTCAN Level 1 is presented, based on MCP2515. Keywords: safety critical; time trigger; Time-triggered CAN protocol