本文根据数字农业发展的现状和需求,提出了一种针对农业环境信息远程监测的系 统设计解决方案---以ARM CPU 为核心的硬件系统,在μC/OS-II 嵌入式操作系统的调度下实现信号的采集,现场传感器数据通过CDMA 模块发送致数据库服务中心。此方案的实现明显改善了系统的综合性能,更能适合分散远程条件下农业环境监测的需要。 关键字:ARM处理器;远程监测;μC/OS-II;CDMA DTU; Abstract: According to the development and tendency of digital agriculture, the design and solution for a monitoring system of remote and wireless agricultural environment was presented. For this solution , ARM CPU was used as the core of the hardware system , the μC/OS-II was selected as the embedded operating system, and the data from the field sensors were transmitted by CDMA module via INTERNET to the center of the data web server. The results showed the solution had greatly improved the integrated performances and made it more suitable for getting agricultural environment information distributed from remote places. Key words: ARM microprocessor; Remote monitoring; uC/OS-II; CDMA DTU