当前政府机构和大型企业组织对已有的孤立系统进行资源整合中,在信息集成上使用 适合行业特点各种方法,本文通过分析现有的信息集成的方法,以及税务系统的信息集成的特点,结合XML 文档的特性,设计了符合税务系统特点的信息集成平台,解决了信息集成中经常出现的信息查询灵活性和查询效率高效性的矛盾的问题。 关键词:资源整合; XML; 信息集成; abstract: At present, government agencies and large enterprises have implemented resource integration on existing isolated systems and have employed various approaches of information integration adapted to industrial characteristics. This article is to examine approaches now available of information integration and to analyze characteristics of information integration in taxation systems. In combination with the peculiarities of XML files, this article has designed an information integration platform comforting to the characteristics of taxation systems, and resolved the recurrent conflicts between flexibility and efficiency of information inquiry. key words: resource integration; XML; information integration