The AD592 is a two terminal monolithic integrated circuit temperature transducer that provides an output current proportional to absolute temperature. For a wide range of supply voltages the transducer acts as a high impedance temperature dependent current source of 1 mA/K. Improved design and laser wafer trimming of the IC’s thin film resistors allows the AD592 to achieve absolute accuracy levels and nonlinearity errors previously unattainable at a comparable price. The AD592 can be employed in applications between –25°C and +105°C where conventional temperature sensors (i.e., thermistor, RTD, thermocouple, diode) are currently being used. The inherent low cost of a monolithic integrated circuit in a plastic package, combined with a low total parts count in any given application, make the AD592 the most cost effective temperature transducer currently available. Expensive linearization circuitry, precision voltage references, bridge components, resistance measuring circuitry and cold junction compensation are not required with the AD592. Typical application areas include: appliance temperature sensing, automotive temperature measurement and control, HVAC (heating/ventilating/air conditioning) system monitoring, industrial temperature control, thermocouple cold junction compensation, board-level electronics temperature diagnostics, temperature readout options in instrumentation, and temperature correction circuitry for precision electronics. Particularly useful in remote sensing applications, the AD592 is immune to voltage drops and voltage noise over long lines due to its high impedance current output. AD592s can easily be multiplexed; the signal current can be switched by a CMOS multiplexer or the supply voltage can be enabled with a tri-state logic gate. The AD592 is available in three performance grades: the AD592AN, AD592BN and AD592CN. All devices are packaged in a plastic TO-92 case rated from –45°C to +125°C. Performance is specified from –25°C to +105°C. AD592 chips are also available, contact the factory for details.