The AD1835A has 15 control registers, 13 of which are used to set the operating mode of the part. The other two registers, ADC Peak 0 and ADC Peak 1, are read-only and should not be programmed. Each of the registers is 10 bits wide with the exception of the ADC peak reading registers, which are six bits wide. Writing to a control register requires a 16-bit data frame to be transmitted. Bits 15 to 12 are the address bits of the required register. Bit 11 is a read/write bit. Bit 10 is reserved and should always be programmed to 0. Bits 9 to 0 contain the 10-bit value that is to be written to the register or, in the case of a read operation, the 10-bit register contents. Figure 3 shows the format of the SPI read and write operation.