The MAX8893A/MAX8893B/MAX8893C power-management integrated circuits (PMICs) are designed for a variety of portable devices including cellular handsets. The PMICs include a high-efficiency step-down DC-DC converter, five low-dropout linear regulators (LDOs) with programmable output voltages, individual power-on/off control inputs, a load switch, and a USB high-speed switch. These devices maintain high efficiency with a low no-load supply current, and the small 3.0mm x 2.5mm WLP package makes them ideal for portable devices.
The step-down DC-DC converter utilizes a proprietary 4MHz hysteretic PWM control scheme that allows for ultra-small external components. Internal synchronous rectification improves efficiency and eliminates the external Schottky diode that is required in conventional step-down converters. Its output voltage is programmable by the I²C serial interface and output current is guaranteed up to 500mA.
LDO1, LDO4, and LDO5 offer low 45µVRMS output noise and low dropout of only 100mV at 100mA. They deliver up to 300mA, 150mA, and 200mA continuous output currents, respectively. LDO2 and LDO3 each deliver 300mA continuous output current with very low ground current. All LDO output voltages are programmable by the I²C serial interface. Three standard versions of the PMIC are available with different LDO default startup voltages (see Table 1 in the full data sheet).