The TC1188 and TC1189 are fixed output, low dropout linear regulators that operate from a 2.7V to 6.0V input voltage source. The output is capable of delivering up to 120 mA while consuming only 50 μA of quiescent current. The low dropout voltage, 120 mV, make the TC1188 and TC1189 good choices for battery powered applications. Integrated over-current and over-temperature protection features provide for a fault tolerant solution. The TC1189 includes an output voltage auto discharge feature. When shutdown, the TC1189 will automatically discharge the output voltage using an internal N-Channel MOSFET switch. Fixed output voltage options for the TC1188/TC1189 are: 1.80V, 2.80V, 2.84V and 3.15V. Both the TC1188 and TC1189 are available in SOT23-5 packages.