摘要:迭代学习控制(ILC)作为智能控制的一个分支,经历了约二十年的发展,在理论研究和实际应用方面都取得了可喜的成果,在过程控制中逐渐显现其独到之处。本文在广泛介绍ILC 算法的同时,系统地介绍了最近几年ILC 理论研究现状、ILC 存在的问题和研究方向。 关键词迭代学习控制线性系统非线性系统现状与展望 Abstract Having been developed in nearly 20 years,plentiful of achievements in the theory research and applications are achieved for iterative learning control(ILC). ILC,as a branch of the intelligent control,gradually revealed its superiority in the process control. This paper introduces ILC algorithms and systemically summarizes the current status of research on ILC theory in recent years,and indicates the existing problems and research directions. Keywords Iterative learning control Linear system Nonlinear system Current status and expectation