摘要为系统地研究发酵罐内的温度分布,开发啤酒、制药等行业所需的端面测温传感器,本文利用自制的测量多点温度的传感器,采用热电阻自动标定、曲线分段拟合非线性校正和热电阻矩阵网络等多种处理方法及微功耗的单片机技术,设计了一种新型的计算机多点温度采集系统。温度测量精度达0.1℃,完全满足系统精度要求。 关键词温度传感器温度分布自动标定非线性校正多点温度测量 Abstract In order to systemically research temperature distribution in fermentor and develop end plate temperature transducer for brewing and pharmaceutical industries,a computerized multipoints temperature collecting system is designed.The system adopts many processing methods and technologies, e. g. ,self-made transducer for multipoints temperature measurement,automatic calibration with thermistor,curve piece-wise fitting non-linear correction, RTD array network and single chip computer of micro power consumption,etc. The accuracy of the system is up to 0.1%,fully satisfying requirement of the system. Keywords Temperature transducer Temperature distribution Auto-calibration Non-linearity correction Multipoints temperature measurement