摘要:将PLC S7 - 300 可编程控制系统与国际流行的大型上位机组态软件FIX7.0 结合在一起引进到鄯善采油厂,并成功的实现数据通信,结束了其轻烃装置自控系统半自动、半手动的历史,实现了轻烃装置工艺设备的全过程、全自动监控与数据自动录取。 关键词PLC FIX7.0 组态 Abstract The worldwide popular configuration software FIX7.0 has been combined with S7 - 300 programmable control system and introduced into Shanshan Oil Production Plant. Data communication is also successfully implemented with this system,thus the history of the semi-auto and semi-manual control pattern for light hydrocarbon plant ended and the fully automatic monitoring and data record of the whole technique process of light hydrocarbon equipment is realized. Keywords PLC FIX7.0 Configuration