The TC4423A/TC4424A/TC4425A devices are a family of dual-output 3A buffers/MOSFET drivers. These devices are improved versions of the earlier TC4423/ TC4424/TC4425 dual-output 3A driver family. This improved version features higher peak output current drive capability, lower shoot-throught current, matched rise/fall times and propagation delay times. The TC4423A/TC4424A/TC4425A devices are pincompatible with the existing TC4423/TC4424/TC4425 family. An 8-pin SOIC package option has been added to the family. The 8-pin DFN package option offers increased power dissipation capability for driving heavier capacitive or resistive loads. The TC4423A/TC4424A/TC4425A MOSFET drivers can easily charge and discharge 1800 pF gate capacitance in under 20 ns, provide low enough impedances in both the on and off states to ensure the MOSFET’s intended state will not be affected, even by large transients. The TC4423A/TC4424A/TC4425A inputs may be driven directly from either TTL or CMOS (2.4V to 18V). In addition, the 300 mV of built-in hysteresis provides noise immunity and allows the device to be driven from slow rising or falling waveforms. The TC4423A/TC4424A/TC4425A dual-output 3A MOSFET driver family is offerd with a -40oC to +125oC temperature rating, making it useful in any wide temperature range application.