The TC4420/TC4429 are 6A (peak), single-output MOSFET drivers. The TC4429 is an inverting driver (pin-compatible with the TC429), while the TC4420 is a non-inverting driver. These drivers are fabricated in CMOS for lower power and more efficient operation versus bipolar drivers. Both devices have TTL/CMOS compatible inputs that can be driven as high as VDD + 0.3V or as low as –5V without upset or damage to the device. This eliminates the need for external level-shifting circuitry and its associated cost and size. The output swing is rail-to-rail, ensuring better drive voltage margin, especially during power-up/power-down sequencing. Propagational delay time is only 55 ns (typ.) and the output rise and fall times are only 25 ns (typ.) into 2500 pF across the usable power supply range. Unlike other drivers, the TC4420/TC4429 are virtually latch-up proof. They replace three or more discrete components, saving PCB area, parts and improving overall system reliability.