将传统的瀑布模型和敏捷模型结合起来,作为指导大型油船结构优化系统(OSOTS)开发的软件方法学。推迟了编码工作,对系统的稳定和变化部分进行了具有高度可靠性和扩展弹性的设计,保证了编码的顺利进行。 关键词:大型油船优化系统 软件开发方法学 需求分析 系统设计 Abstract:Traditional waterfall model and agile model are combined as a new software development model to be the guidance for development of Large Oil Tank Structure Optimization System. This development model postponed coding work., and did a lot of analysis to get a high reliable and flexible system, which ensured successful coding work.. Keywords:Large Oil Tank Structure Optimization System, Software Development Method, Request Analysis, System Analysis