火电厂、变电站电力电缆长期运行在高电压、大电流环境下, 其接头容易超温过热, 引起爆炸, 导致火灾, 建立电力电缆火灾在线监测系统具有必要性。为此, 介绍发电厂电力电缆火灾在线监测系统的总体设计,硬件结构及接口设计。该系统的现场子站设计采用了新型数字式温度传感器, 不仅功能强、可靠性高, 而且兼有耗能低, 体积小的优点。 关键词: 电力电缆; 在线监测; 数字式温度传感器 Abstract : Because p ower cable of t he p ower plant and substation works in a high voltage and large cur rent working condi2 tions f or a long time so t hat t he over temperature p ower cable connection would explode and f i re easily. It is necessary t o set up a on2line p ower cable f i re supervise system. This p aper int roduces t he design of t he hardware and t he communication in2 terf ace in t he elect ric p ower cable on2line monit oring system. A new digital temperature sensor is used in t he scene work sub2 station , it makes t he system having much more f unctions , high reliability , low p ower consump tion and small p ackage . Key words : p ower cable ; on2line monit oring ; digital temperature sensor