在常见手持式激光测距仪的原理的基础上,提出采用连续发射的正弦调制的脉冲信号的方法,来提高相位式激光测距的测程。同时论述了在相位差测量中,采用多周期采样的方法来降低A/D转换采样频率,从而降低系统电路的复杂性和成本。 关键词:手持式激光测距 测程 采样 abstract:This paper presents a new method using continuously transmitted sine modulated pulse signal, which is based on the principles of the familiar portable laser rangefinders, to improve the range of phase-shift laser finding. The application of equivalent time sampling is proved to be able to reduce the sampling frequency of A/D converting and lower the complexity and cost of the system circuit. Key words:portable laser rangefinder range sample