介绍一种用锑化铟—铟( InSb2In) 共晶体薄膜磁敏电阻(MR) 制成的齿轮转速传感器( GVS) ,它由磁敏电阻器和信号处理电路两部分构成。磁敏电阻器的噪声约为95μV , 磁敏电阻器与齿轮的距离为5 mm时,输出信号约为3 mV ,信噪比约30 dB ,测量的准确性可与国外同类产品相媲美。 关键词: 锑化铟—铟; 磁敏电阻器; 齿轮转速传感器 Abstract : A gear velocity sensor made up from InSb2In eutectic film magnetoresistor (MRGS) is introduced , in2 cluding a magneticresistor and a single2processing circuit . The magneticresistor’s noise (N) is about 95μV , out2 put (S) is about 3 mV when the magneticresistor is away from the gear about 5 mm and the S/ N is 30 dB. The accuracy of measure could be compared perfect with overseas alike products. Key words : InSb2In ; magnetoresistor (MR) ; gear velocity sensor ( GVS)