对目前的智能传感器和人体传感器作了对比,指出了目前的智能传感器智能化水平不高的根本原因为缺少“右脑处理器”。提出了给模糊传感器添加“右脑处理器”的初步设想,并在目前的技术水平下,给出了对人体传感器“右脑”模拟的一个简单可行的方案。 关键词: 人体传感器; 智能传感器; 右脑处理器 Abstract : Comparisons are given between intelligent sensor and human body sensor. The absence of“right brain processors”is regarded as the main reason why the intelligent sensor are not so clever at present . An assumption is brought forward to add“right brain processors”to fuzzy sensors. A feasible project for experiments is present , which adapts to technologies at the present time. Key words : human body sensor ; intelligent sensor ; right brain processor