本文提出一种基于阀值曲面的数字水印方法,先构造原始图像的阀值曲面,得到原始 图像的轮廓信息,然后在轮廓边缘处嵌入水印。由于该方法采用的构造阀值曲面函数高平滑性与易插值等特点,故该方法对滤波,缩放等攻击具有强抵抗力。实验结果也证明该方法具有这些优点。 关键词: 阈值曲面;数字水印;核函数 Abstract: This paper proposes a numeric watermark method based on valve value of curve surface. First it builds the valve value of curve surface of the original image to get the outline information of the original image; then it embeds watermarks into the edge of the outline. Because the function used by the method to build valve value of curve surface has high gliding property and easy interpolation ability, the method has strong resistance to attacks like filtering and zooming. The experimental results show that the method has the above advantages. Keywords: valve value of curve surface; numeric curve ; kernel function