柴油机的冬季起动性除其本身的技术状况外, 受环境温度的影响也非常大。本文分析了柴 油机冬季起动难的原因, 阐明了保证起动的基本条件, 详述了克服起动难的对策, 经验性地介绍了辅助起动的多种方法。 关键词: 柴油机 冷起动 原因 对策 辅助起动 Abstract: Besides technical conditions, enviromental temperature has great effect on the performance of the diesel en2 gine start2up, especially in coldw eather. In th is paper, the basic factors affected the diesel engine cold start performance are discussed. A nd then, the causes and treatments for th is p roblem are analyzed. In the end, some auxiliary starting methods are introduced. Key words:D iesel engine, Cold start, Cause, T reatment, A uxiliary start