本文讨论一种基于神经网络(Neural Network, NN)的自适应数字图像水印算法。首先利 用神经网络模拟人类视觉特性来确定水印的嵌入强度--JND(Just Noticeable Difference)门限,然后再将水印自适应地嵌入到DCT 系数中。 关键词: 神经网络;水印;人类视觉特性;JND;DCT Abstract This article discusses a adaptive digital image watermarking algorithm based on a neural net. First of all use of neural net simulated Human Visual Characteristics to determine the embedded watermarking strength--JND (Just Noticeable Difference) threshold, then let the watermarking Technology embedded adaptive DCT Coefficient. Keywords: Neural Net; Watermarking; Human Visual Characteristics; JND; DCT