本文基于无刷式直流电机的混沌模型,利用状态观测器实现了发送端与接收端的同步,并且用该混沌模型和状态观测器所产生的数字序列实现待传输语音特征参量的加解密操 作,识别结果验证了该混沌保密通信系统的有效性,并且传输语音特征参量的方法也提高了该系统的安全性。 关键词:混沌同步;保密通信;语音识别 Abstract: In the article, based on brushless DC motor chaotic model, the state observer is used to achieve the synchronization between sending end and receiving end. And the digital series produced by the chaotic model and the state observer are used to encrypt and decrypt the characteristic parameters of the speech to transferred separately. The recognition results prove the validity of the chaotic secure communication system. The method of the speech to transferred separately. The recognition results prove the validity of the chaotic secure communication system. The method of transferring the characteristic parameters improves the system’s security. Key words: chaotic synchronization; secure communication; speech recognition