本文针对传统的入侵防御系统IPS ( Intrusion Prevention System )存在的一些问题,提出了一种新型的入侵防御系统。该系统采用多台处理机并行处理的工作方式,并辅助以透明代理、内容过滤技术,能有效地防御DOS、DDOS 网络攻击,抑制网络蠕虫病毒的传播。 关键词:入侵防御;防火墙;入侵检测 Abstract: Focusing on some problems traditional IPS (Intrusion Prevent ion System) faces, this paper proposes a new type of IPS. This system with multiple processor parallel processing, complementing with the transparency proxy and context filter technology, not only can detect the intrusion and worm virus, but also prevent them effectively. Keywords: intrusion prevention; firewall; intrusion detection