入侵检测是档案信息安全保障体系建设的重要组成部分,而在分布式入侵检测系统 中,数据信息量大、格式非常多样化,直接对原始数据进行处理和交换的效率非常低,针对此问题,采用一种基于元数据规范的方法,对数据对象进行规范化描述,统一数据格式,提高数据挖掘效率,为多系统、多模块的协作提供了一种有效的数据交换方式。 关键词:入侵检测,元数据规范,数据挖掘,可扩展标识语言 Abstract: In Distributed Intrusion Detection System, it's inefficient if the object of data mining is raw data because of the large amount of information and diversified format. To solve this problem, a metadata standard method is adopted to standardize the description of metadata. This can improve the efficiency of the data mining, and provide an idea of the data exchange of multi-system and multi-module collaboration. Key words: intrusion detection, metadata standards, data mining, extensible markup language