针对一类实时、量大、速度和自动处理要求高的图像处理任务,研究构造了一种图像预处理的快速算法RMP和一种基于饱和度阈值方法的彩色图象去干扰算法。通过比较,表明了该算法不仅处理效果不亚于传统算子方法,具有快速、简单、可靠,可有效去除大量不规则背景图象等优点,而且可以同时完成去噪声、保细节和锐化边缘的 任务,实际的海洋湖泊藻类显微图像预处理仿真结果进一步显示了本文算法的实用性和有效性。 关键词: 图像预处理; RMP 算法;不确定干扰; 海洋湖泊藻类 Abstract: In order to satisfy requisite of real time, speediness and adaptive in a sort of image processing, a fast algorithm and a algorithm based on saturation were investigated and was proposed in this paper. Compared with some algorithms as prewitt,sober,average value filter and median filter, the results indicate that this new algorithm not only can get some merits of speediness, briefness, credibility and so on, but also can removes noises,maintain detail and pick up edge (RMP)at the same time. The experiments of algal in lake and sea show that this algorithm has practicability and validity. Key words: Image processing; RMP algorithm; uncertain noises; Algal