在中国市场中,经销商对企业扩展市场起着至关重要的作用。随着经销商的数量的日益增长,经销商的管理成为了企业面临的一项难题。本文采用目前流行的J2EE 架构WebWork、Spring 和Hibernate 框架实现了经销商管理系统。WebWork 是一个基于MVC 设计模式的框架,用于实现该系统的表示层;Spring 是一个AOP 框架和IoC 容器,用于实现该系统的业务层;Hibernate 是一种先进的O/R 映射工具,用于实现该系统的持久层。本文以经销商管理系统的开发为例,重点介绍了WebWork、Spring 和Hibernate 框架的配置使用。 关键字:经销商;经销商管理系统;框架;WebWork;Spring;Hibernate Abstract: In the Chinese market, dealers play an extremely important role in market expansion of business. With the growing number of dealers, the management of dealers becomes a problem of business. This paper implements the Dealer Management System based on WebWork, Spring and Hibernate architecture. The WebWork framework is based on MVC(Model View Controller) design pattern, and the presentation layer of the system is implemented based on WebWork framework. Spring is an IoC/AOP container, and the business layer of the system is implemented based on Spring framework. Hibernate is an kind of advanced tool of O/R mapping, and the persistence layer of the system is implemented based on Hibernate. This paper mainly describes the configure of the WebWork, Spring and Hibernate architecture by giving the realization of a module in the system. Keywords: deals; Dealer Management System; architecture; WebWork; Spring; Hibernate