The AD8610/AD8620 are very high precision JFET input ampli- fiers featuring ultralow offset voltage and drift, very low input voltage and current noise, very low input bias current, and wide bandwidth. Unlike many JFET amplifiers, the AD8610/AD8620 input bias current is low over the entire operating temperature range. The AD8610/AD8620 are stable with capacitive loads of over 1000 pF in noninverting unity gain; much larger capacitive loads can be driven easily at higher noise gains. The AD8610/ AD8620 swing to within 1.2 V of the supplies even with a 1 kΩ load, maximizing dynamic range even with limited supply volt- ages. Outputs slew at 50 V/μs in either inverting or noninverting gain configurations, and settle to 0.01% accuracy in less than 600 ns. Combined with high input impedance, great precision, and very high output drive, the AD8610/AD8620 are ideal amplifiers for driving high performance ADC inputs and buffering DAC converter outputs.