The AD9866 is a mixed-signal front end (MxFE) IC for transceiver applications requiring Tx and Rx path functionality with data rates up to 80 MSPS. Its flexible digital interface, power saving modes, and high Tx-to-Rx isolation make it well-suited for half- and full-duplex applications. The digital interface is extremely flexible allowing simple interfaces to digital back ends that support half- or full-duplex data transfers, thus often allowing the AD9866 to replace discrete ADC and DAC solutions. Power saving modes include the ability to reduce power consumption of individual functional blocks or to power down unused blocks in half-duplex applications. A serial port interface (SPI®) allows software programming of the various functional blocks. An on-chip PLL clock multiplier and synthesizer provide all the required internal clocks, as well as two external clocks from a single crystal or clock source.