The TC170 offers maximum supply current of 3.8mA. Bipolar current-mode control integrated circuits require five times more operating current. The dual totem-pole CMOS outputs drive power MOSFETs or bipolar transistors. The 50nsec typical output rise and fall times (1000pF capacitive loads) minimize MOSFET power dissipation. Output peak current is 300mA. The TC170 contains a full array of system-protection circuits (see Features Section). Current-mode control lets users parallel power supply modules. Two or more TC170 controllers can be slaved together for parallel operation. Circuits can operate from a master TC170 internal oscillator or an external system oscillator. The TC170 operates from an 8V to 16V power supply. An internal 2%, 5.1V reference minimizes external component count. The TC170 is pin compatible with the Unitrode UC1846/UC2846/UC3846 bipolar controller. Other advantages inherent in current-mode control include superior line and load regulation and automatic symmetry correction in push-pull converters.