The program is written in Visual Basic 6.0. First, select whether you want the calculator to generate the capacitor values for you or whether you want to enter them from a file. Internally generated capacitor values range logarithmically from .1 to .001 uF with related inductance values ranging from 10 to .1 nH. The specific code used to generate the values is: ‘ user has entered nvalues, number of capacitor values ‘ user has entered nsame, number of caps of same value For i = 1 To nvalues C(i) = (0.1 * ((0.01) ^ ((i - 1) / (nvalues - 1)))) * 10 ^ (-6) L(i) = (10 * ((0.01) ^ ((i - 1) / (nvalues - 1)))) * 10 ^ (-9) Next i For i = 1 To nvalues Ctotal = Ctotal + C(i) * nsame Next I Use the file-input dialog to enter user-defined data. The input file has provision for one or more “comment” lines, then a separator between the comments and the data. The separator line contains (only) the text “startdata” (w/o quotes.) Then there is one line of comma-delimited text data for each capacitor value. Each line contains (see sample, page 3): Number of capacitors with this data