The MAX6895–MAX6899 is a family of small, low-power, voltage-monitoring circuits with sequencing capability. These miniature devices offer tremendous flexibility with an adjustable threshold capable of monitoring down to 0.5V and an external capacitor-adjustable time delay. These devices are ideal for use in power-supply sequencing, reset sequencing, and power-switching applications. Multiple devices can be cascaded for complex sequencing applications. A high-impedance input with a 0.5V threshold allows an external resistive divider to set the monitored threshold. The output asserts (OUT = high or OUT = low) when the input voltage rises above the 0.5V threshold and the enable input is asserted (ENABLE = high or ENABLE = low). When the voltage at the input falls below 0.5V or when the enable input is deasserted (ENABLE = low or ENABLE = high), the output deasserts (OUT = low or OUT = high). All devices provide a capacitor-programmable delay time from when the input rises above 0.5V to when the output is asserted. The MAX689_A versions provide the same capacitor-adjustable delay from when enable is asserted to when the output asserts. The MAX689_P devices have a 1μs propagation delay from when enable is asserted to when the output asserts.