飞机综合电子对抗系统在现代空战中起到重要作用,能正确操纵、使用综合电子对抗 系统,能极大提高飞机在作战中的生存能力,因此,综合电子对抗系统的训练一直是重要训练项目之一。本模拟训练系统通过采用计算机仿真技术完成了从地面准备到空中飞行各个阶段综合电子对抗系统的基本功能,成功地实现了综合电子对抗系统的模拟仿真,该系统模拟训练任务覆盖度和逼真度满足训练要求,对提高飞行人员对综合电子对抗系统的操作水平起到了重要作用。 关键词: 电子对抗; 飞行; 训练模拟系统; 仿真 Abstract: Airplane synthetical electronic countermeasure system plays an important role in modern airfight, to operate and to use the synthetical electronic countermeasure system correctly could improve the airplane’s existent ability, so the training of the synthetical electronic countermeasure system is an important item. This simulation system adopts computer simulation to implement the function of synthetical electronic countermeasure system in every section which is from earth preparative to air aviation, it has realized the simulation of synthetical electronic countermeasure successfully. This system satisfies the training requirement completely, and plays an important role in improving the level of operating synthetical electronic countermeasure system for flight personnel. Key words: Electronic countermeasure; Flight; Training simulation system; Simulation