基于标准0.6umCMOS 工艺,设计依据在亚阈值区工作的一阶温度补偿电路,采用VPTAT 电压驱动曲率校正电路,对一阶温度补偿电路进行高阶温度补偿,获得了一种电路结构简单,性能较好的带隙基准源。经过Hspice 仿真,仿真结果表明电路可以在-10-150 °C 范围内,平均温度系数约9.9ppm/oC;工作电压为1.4V。该带隙基准源可应用于高精度模数转换器(ADC)、数模转换器(DAC)和系统集成芯片(SOC)中。 关键词:带隙基准源;曲率校正;温度系数;VPTAT
Abstract:The design of curvature correction temperature compensation bandgap reference circuit.Using the PTAP voltage as a curvature voltage,which is fabricated with 0.6um CMOS technology. Reference was simulated by Hspice. It has a average temperature coefficient of 9.9ppm/oC between -10 to 150 oC ,and the supply voltage 1.4V. Keywords:Bandgap Reference ; Curvature Correction; TC; VPTAT