提出了一种适合于回转体刀具———钻头的激光视觉三维形貌测试系统,介绍了系统的组成和测量原理,讨论了系统中由于安装的倾斜和偏心等引起的测量光束不共面和多组测量数据不同心等问题。重点研究了将传感器坐标系中的测量数据转换到钻头坐标系中的标定方法,并对钻头中有标准圆和没有标准圆来确定旋转中心两种情况进行了讨论。实验结果表明:用本标定方法对钻头和标准圆横截面的形貌数据进行计算,其直径测量精度可达到10~20μm。 关键词: 结构光; 钻头; 标定; 三维形貌 Abstract : A laser vision 32D measurement system for drill geometry is presented . The principle and the measure2 ment system are described. There are two problems caused by the tilt and the eccentricity of the system , which caused different groups of the measurement data in one cross section not being in one surface and with different centers. The methods for solving the problems are analyzed. The calibration method for translating the raw data of sensor coordinate in2 to drill coordinate system is studied in detail. The two conditions for calibration and data merging with and without stan2 dard circle as reference are discussed. The experiment results show that the accuracy of diameter measurement of cross section of standard bar and drill flute is in the range of 10~20μm. Key words : Structure light ; Drill ; Calibration ; 32D geometry