PVFS(Parallel Virtual File System)广泛应用于PC 集群并行计算环境中,通过ROMIO 形式的MPI-IO 接口与MPICH 结合,用于提高数据文件的访问性能,通过对PVFS的源代码分析,得出PVFS 的系统架构、运行机制与采用的策略,并在这个基础上找出元数据服务器并行化的可行性,以设计出并行元数据服务方案来提高元数据访问的吞吐率。 关键词:并行文件系统,PVFS,元数据服务器,MPICH Abstract: PVFS is widely used in cluster parallel computing to improve accessing performance of the file system, which have MPI-IO interface to MPICH called ROMIO. By analyzing the code structure of PVFS, a parallel method is figured out to parallelize the meta-server, which aimed at improving the meta-data access service. Keywords: Parallel file-system, PVFS, meta-server, MPICH