宝钢现场某空压机组噪声突然增大,在对设备进行了精密诊断和连续跟踪之后,提出故障所在,要求尽快停机处理,避免了设备的继续劣化及恶性事故的发生。文章探讨了涡流传感器对断齿故障不敏感的原因,建议齿轮故障可采用加速度传感器和电流监测的方法,提高 监测效果。 关键词:齿轮装置;啮合频率;状态监测;故障诊断 Abstract :The noise , emitted by some set of the air2compressors at Baosteel ,once suddenly and severely loudened last year.By continuous surveillance and diagnosis ,we indicated the fault ,and asked for halt to prevent the device from continuous worsening and disaster and to make a check. This article makes a thorough discussion about why the responses of the on2line sensors were normal when the tooth broke , and suggests that the accelerometers and current surveillance can be used for the diagnosis of gear faults to improve the monitoring effect . Key Words :Gear device ;Engage frequency ;Surveillance ;Fault diagnosis