机载光电探测系统的动态测试, 除以地面真实目标作为背景之外, 其性能的量化考核和验证主要是通过外场标准多用途目标靶来进行伴同试验。其中MRTD 是使用得最普遍的综合性能指标参数, 它考虑了系统各个环节及人眼睛的工作特性, 能较全面地反映系统的质量。度量机载FL IR 传感器灵敏度特性的另一个指标是MDTD。研究表明, 对于MDTD 的 外场测量最好选用一个飞行架次和多次对目标的渐近探测来完成, 而改变目标自身的尺寸大小或放置不同尺寸的目标, 对于依次渐近目标进行MDTD 测量是有利的。 关键词: FL IR; 激光测距; 电视系统;MRTD;MDTD; 大气透过率 Abstract:A irbo rne elect ro2op t ical detect ing system s’ dynam ic teste, besides tak ing real ground ob ject s as the background target s, are m ade by term s of the stanedard m u lt i2funct ion ou tdoo r target app lied in the system characterist ic test quan t itat ively. MRTD is one of the w idely app lied syn thet ic qualif icat ion s,w h ich syn thesizes the system ’s facto rs and the eye’s characterist ics of m an, ab le to reveal the system ’s quality. A no ther qualif icat ion to m easu re airbo rne FL IR sen sit ivity isMDTD. The researches show thatMDTD is varying w ith the area size of the target, the temperatu re difference betw een the target and background, and the therm al no ises, so it is best to take one t im e of f ligh t test and several t im es of app roach ing the target fo rMDTD m easu ring. A nd it is very sign if ican t to change the sizes of the target o r pu t variou s target s, w h ich have differen t sizes, fo rMDTD m easu ring at app roach ing the target in tu rn. Key words: FL IR, laser ranging, TV system ,MRTD,MDTD, atmo sphere t ran sm it tance