介绍了变风量空调系统的基本原理,结合变风量系统的特点,在变风量(VAV)空调 系统房间数学模型的基础上,利用仿真软件Matlab 对整个空调控制系统进行了仿真,得到了系统的响应, 在理论研究和工程实践中具有实际的指导意义和应用价值。 [关键词] 系统响应变风量仿真 数学模型 [Abstract] This paper introduces the principle of the VAV air-conditioning system. And the control system is simulated by MATLAB based on the mathematical model of the room in the way of VAV ,then its response curve is gained. According to the response curve ,we can come to a conclusion that it has practical guiding effect and application value in theory research and engineering practice. [Key Words] System response; Variable Air Volume; Simulation; mathematical model