介绍了一种新的基于NIOS II的导航系统的设计方案. NIOS是建立在FPGA 上的嵌入式微处理器软核, 由于它硬件设计上的灵活性和可裁减性,使得软件设计上“平台”的概念延伸到硬件设计中。本文就是把NIOS II硬件平台的方案,在导航系统计算机设计上进行了有益尝试,实践证明,本设计不但实现了预期功能,而且为以后在其他导航产品上快速的移植硬件和软件系统,提供了有力保证。 关键字:NIOS II;SOPC;FPGA;导航系统;硬件和软件平台 Abstract: This paper introduces a new design scheme for the navigation system platform based on NIOS II. NIOS is an imbedded micro-processor’s soft core based on FPGA . Because of the flexibility of the hardware’s design, we can popularize the conception of“platform” from the software’s design to the hardware’s. It is proved that this design works well, and it assures that the hardware and software system could be fast replanted to other navigation products. Key Words:NIOS II;SOPC;FPGA;Navigation system ;Platform of hardware