针对传统专家系统和神经网络的各自特点,将两者有机结合,构造了一种基于神经网络 的混合型故障诊断专家系统。提出了神经网络子模块NNM 的概念并分析了NNM 的具体实现方法。应用该故障诊断模型对某内燃机组供油系统故障进行了模拟验证,试验结果表明神经网络与专家系统结合是一种有效的诊断方法。 关键词:神经网络,NNM,故障诊断,专家系统 Abstract: According to the characters of traditional expert system and neural network, a neutral-network-based mixed fault diagnosis expert system was designed. A concept of neural network model(NNM) was given, and the certainly implementary method of NNM was analysed. This method was applied in fault diagnosis of Internal Combustion Engines, the results show this method is an effective diagnostic method. Key words: Neural network, NNM, fault diagnosis, expert system