本文提出了一种使用邻接信息的自适应肤色检测方法。先在HSV 空间对图像使用SPDH 方法以寻找最优的肤色阈值并以此对进行初步肤色分割;然后再通过使用邻接信息的空间扩散法对初步判定的肤色像素进行处理,最终得到肤色像素。实验结果表明,该方法对复杂背景和不同光照下的肤色检测都有较好效果。 关键词:肤色检测邻接信息 自适应 Abstract:An adaptive method of skin detection using neighborhood information is proposed. The image is first trasnformed from RGB colorspace into HSV colorspace, and then treated by SPDH to seek optimum adaptive threshold, finally by spatial diffusion using the neighborhood information to refine the decision about the pixel’s class. The experiments demonstrate that the method is effective to confusing backgrounds and changing ambient lights. Key Words: skin detection; neighborhood information; adaptive