The MAX15006/MAX15007 ultra-low quiescent-current linear regulators are ideal for use in automotive and bat- tery-operated systems. These devices operate from an input voltage of 4V to 40V, deliver up to 50mA of output current, and consume only 10µA of quiescent current at no load. The internal p-channel pass device keeps the quiescent current low even at full load. The MAX15007 consumes only 3µA current when in shutdown. The MAX15006A/MAX15007A have a fixed 3.3V output while the MAX15006B/MAX15007B have a fixed 5V out- put voltage. The MAX15006C/MAX15007C feature an adjustable output from 1.8V to 10V. The MAX15007 includes an enable input to turn the device on or off. All devices are short-circuit protected and include thermal shutdown. The MAX15006/MAX15007 operate over the -40°C to +125°C automotive temperature range. These devices are available in space-saving 3mm x 3mm 6-pin TDFN and 8-pin SO thermally enhanced packages. Applications Automotive Tire-Pressure Monitoring Industrial Telecom Networking