The Intersil ISL54054 and ISL54055 devices consist of low ON-resistance, low voltage, bi-directional SPST analog switches designed to operate from a single +1.8V to +5.5V supply. These devices have an unique architecture. They have two signal pins (pin 1 and pin 3) that are simultaneously connected or disconnected to a common pin (pin 4) under the control of a single logic control pin (pin 6). The ISL54054 switches are OFF when the logic is low and ON when the logic is high. The ISL54055 switches are ON when the logic is low and OFF when the logic is high. This architecture allows these devices to be used as a single SPST switch or as a distribution switch to distribute a single source to two different loads. SPST operation is achieved by using one of the signal pins while floating the other signal pin or by externally connecting the two signal pins together. When both signal pins are tied together, the rON of the SPST is reduced by half, from 1Ω to 0.5Ω (when operated with a 5V supply).