基于小生境策略的否定选择算法利用在搜索空间中计算检测器之间的海明距离,构建小生境;定义适应度函数与亲合力函数相关,更客观地反映检测器的检测能力;利用进化策略,进行遗传操作,而生成多样性和通用性的最佳检测器集。同时该算法可以减少生成检测器的时间开销。 关键词 小生境;否定选择;检测器;匹配规则;网络入侵检测 Algorithm Research for Generating Diversity Detectors Zhang Hong1 , Cai Huan fu1 , Gao Ping an2 (1. Department of Computer Science and Technolgy , Guangdong University of Finance, Guangzhou 510521, China; 2. School of Information Science and Engineering Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) Abstract A negative selection algorithm with niching strategy can generate diversity and generality of detector sets. By calculating Hamming distance between two arbitrary detectors insearch space, niching of detectors is built. A new approach to define the fitness function is proposed. The fitness function is a relational function of the detector’s affinity function. And computational time can be reduced. Keywords niching, negative selection, detectors, match rule, network intrusion detection