本文详细介绍了基于高性能TigerSHARC DSP 处理模块和模板匹配算法(template matching)的实时图像跟踪处理系统的优化设计方法;深入分析了SAD 操作中涉及到的地址对齐问题,提出了一种优化的设计方案,将并处理效率提高20 倍,并在实际的实时图像跟踪系统中得到应用。 关键字:图像跟踪,TigerSHARC,并行流水,地址对齐 Abstract:This paper focuses on the optimized design and implementation of the template matching real time image tracking system utilizing high performance TigerSHARC DSP module. Severe address aligning issues encountered on SAD are discussed thoroughly, and get well solved. Keywords: Image Tracking, TigerSHARC, Pipeline, Address aligning