介绍了压电射流角速度传感器的软件补偿技术,给出了压电射流角速度传感器的温度补偿和线性补偿的原理和程序。通过合理选择单片机,利用数据插值和查表相结合的方法,实现了传感器的温度补偿和线性补偿,实验结果表明,经过软件补偿后传感器的非线性度从2%减低到0.5%,工作温度范围从0~45℃拓宽到-40~+55℃。此种补偿方法,简单易行,对于其他类型的传感器,只要其重复精度足够高,该技术具有普遍意义。 关键词:压电射流角速度传感器;热电阻丝;温度补偿;线性补偿 Abstract: The compensation technology for the piezoelectric fluidic angular sensors is discussed, including the principle and program of temperature compensation and linearity compensation. The temperature compensation and linearity compensation of sensor have been realized by means of adopting proper microprocessors, interpolation and table-searching. The numerical results show that the nonlinearity decreases from 2% to 0.5% and the range of operation temperature increases from 0 ~ 45℃ to –40 ~+55℃ when the sensors compensated. The compensation technology is easy to apply and also available for the sensors of other kinds once the repeatable accuracy is high enough. Key words: piezoelectric fluidic angular rate sensors;hot wire; temperature compensation;linearity compensation