介绍对光纤端部位置的非接触检测方法。以面阵CCD 为传感器,检测光纤端部出射光斑,采用“重心法”提取光斑的特征点表征光纤的位置。着重分析了光源稳定性、CCD 性能、AD 采样位数对测量结果稳定性的影响。实验表明,基于特征点对光纤端部检测,重复精度达到0.7%的CCD 像素,系统具有良好的稳定性。 关键词: 非接触测量;光纤;位置测量;CCD 传感器 Abstract: A noncontact method used for detecting end position of optic fiber is presented. With planar array CCD sensor, exit spot from optic fiber end is detected through extracting the characteristic points of spot for characterizing the position of optic fiber. The influence of light source stability, CCD performance and AD sampling digit on the stability of measuring results is analyzed. Detection of optic fiber end based on characteristic points, the experiments show that the system has a good stability and its repetition accuracy is as high as 0.7% of CCD pixel. Key words: Contactless measurement; Optical fibers; Position measurement; CCD sensor