采用在升降液压缸底部安装传感器的间接称量法对济钢第一炼铁厂连铸机大包回转台的称重系统进行改造, 同时对系统实行可靠的冷却防护和信号传输。改造后的称重系统提高了耐高温、抗冲击、防钢水飞溅能力, 而且现场适应性好,性能稳定, 维护方便。 关键词: 称重系统; S 形传感器; 冷却防护; 滑线装置 Abstract: The weighting system s of ladle sw inging table of continuous castingmachineswere rebuilt forNo11 steelmakingworks at J igang w ith the indirect metage method, and thismethod is realized by the p robe installed at the bottom of the lift hydraulic cylinder1 A t the same time, these system s were p reserved by reliable cooling p rotection and signal transm ission1 Having been rebuilt, the power of resistance to high temperature, impact and p revention to the molten steel sp lash of these system s was imp roved1 These system s have the better adap tability to p roduction, can be maintained conveniently and their p roperties are stable1 Key words: weighting system; S2form p robe; cooling p rotection; slide line set