本文介绍了升降横移式立体车库的工作原理,确定了以PLC 为主控单元的控制方案,并对控制系统的输入、输出进行了详细分析,完成了控制系统的输入、输出分配和PLC 选型,设计了控制系统的程序流程图,完成了立体车库控制系统设计。 关键词:升降横移式;立体车库;PLC Abstract: The principle of the up-down and translation cubic garage is introduced. The control project that PLC is used as the main control unit is designed. By analyzing inputs and outputs of the control system, the inputs and outputs distribution of the control system is finished and the type of PLC is selected. Moreover, the program flow chart of the control system is designed and the control system of cubic garage is implemented. Key words: up-down and translation; cubic garage; PLC