基于比色测温原理设计的测温系统能够提高其抗干扰性能。本文首先分析双波段 比色测温原理,然后将其应用到一种基于面阵CCD 的测温摄像机的设计中。这个摄像机系统通过USB2.0 接口与PC 主机相连,可以达到实时监控被观测环境及目标物温度的目的。使用的面阵CCD 在近红外波段有频谱响应,可以采集到足够的光能量。这种CCD 比专业红外探测器件价格低廉,应用它制作的系统降低成本。因此本文提出的基于近红外增强CCD 设计的测温摄像机系统是一种具有强抗干扰能力和低成本两方面优势的设备。 关键词: 抗干扰;测温;摄像机 Abstract Colorimetric temperature measurement can bring better anti-jamming. In this paper, it discussed the colorimetric temperature measurement firstly. Then it proposed a video acquisition system using planar CCD. This system can transfer signals to PC by USB2.0 interface. So customers may inspect environmental temperatures on time. Cheep CCD collects enough light energy to transfer. Since its lower price and better anti-jamming ability, this system has obvious advantages. Keywords anti-jamming; temperature measurement; video camera