概述聚氨酯泡沫塑料制造原理、性能以及在客车上的应用情况; 简要介绍采用空气喷涂发泡成型的阻燃型硬质聚氨酯发泡工艺和常见缺陷分析及消除办法。 关键词: 客车 聚氨酯发泡 原理 空气喷涂 阻燃 工艺 Abstract: Th is article summarizes themak ing p rincip le, performance of polyurethane (PU ) foam ing p lastics and its use in bus manufacture. It also introduces the technology of incombustible hard PU foam made by air sp ray and the p roblem s that often occur in daily operation and its solutions. Key words:Bus, PU foam ing, P rincip le, A ir sp ray, Incombustible, Technology